
Ounce to Gallon - Gallon to Ounce Converter

Convert Ounce to Gallons (oz to gal) or Gallon to Ounce (gal to oz)



Ounce - Gallon Converter

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Formula to convert fl oz to gallon and gallon to fl oz

How many Ounces in a Gallon (oz per gallon)?

The formula to convert ounces (oz) to gallons (gal) is:

gal = oz / 128

1 Ounce to gallon is 0.01 gal

To Convert 100 ounces to gallons, divide 100 by 128:

gal = 100 / 128 = 0.78125 gallons

How much is 1 gallon to oz? (gallons to fluid ounces)

The formula to convert gallons (gal) to ounces (oz) is:

oz = gal * 128

1 gallon to Ounce is 128 oz

To Convert 2 gallons to ounces, multiply by 128:

oz = 2 * 128 = 256 ounces

Converting Fluid Ounces to Gallons and Gallons to Fluid Ounces

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  • Gallons and fluid ounces are both used to measure the volume of liquids. Gallons are more commonly used for larger volumes, such as the capacity of a swimming pool or gasoline tank. Fluid ounces are more commonly used for smaller volumes, such as the amount of liquid in a bottle of soda or medication.
  • There are 128 fluid ounces in one gallon.
  • To convert ounces to gallons, divide by 128.
  • To convert gallons to ounces, multiply by 128.
  • A gallon is a unit of volume in the imperial and US customary systems of measurement. It is defined as 231 cubic inches or 3.785411784 liters.
  • Gallons are commonly used to measure the volume of liquids, such as water, milk, and gasoline. They are also used to measure the capacity of containers, such as barrels and drums.
  • A fluid ounce is a unit of volume in the imperial and US customary systems of measurement. It is defined as 1/128 of a gallon or 29.5735295625 milliliters.
  • Gallons are used to measure the volume of liquids, while fluid ounces are used to measure the volume of specific liquids, such as beverages and medications.
Here are some specific examples of when each unit of measurement might be used:
  • Gallons:
  • To measure the volume of water in a swimming pool.
  • To measure the capacity of a gasoline tank.
  • To measure the volume of milk in a carton.
  • Fluid ounces:
  • To measure the amount of liquid in a bottle of soda.
  • To measure the amount of medication in a capsule.
  • To measure the amount of juice in a glass
  • In the United States, fluid ounces are often abbreviated as "fl oz".
  • The word "gallon" comes from the Old French word "galon", which in turn comes from the Latin word "galleus", meaning "pail" or "bucket".
  • The fluid ounce is a more recent unit of measurement, first being introduced in the 18th century. It was created as a way to subdivide the gallon into smaller, more manageable units.

Practical Uses for Converting Gallons to Fluid Ounces

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There are many practical uses for converting gallons to fluid ounces and vice versa. Here are a few examples:
  • Cooking and baking: Recipes often call for ingredients to be measured in fluid ounces, but you may only have the ingredient on hand in gallons. In this case, you would need to convert the measurement to fluid ounces in order to follow the recipe accurately.
  • Mixing medications: Medications are often dosed in fluid ounces, even if the bottle is labeled in gallons. In this case, you would need to convert the dosage to fluid ounces in order to take the correct amount of medication.
  • Watering plants: Some plants need to be watered with a specific amount of water, measured in fluid ounces. If you only have a watering can that is labeled in gallons, you would need to convert the measurement to fluid ounces in order to water your plants correctly.
  • Cleaning and disinfecting: Cleaning products and disinfectants are often sold in gallons, but they are often diluted with water before use. In this case, you would need to convert the measurement to fluid ounces in order to mix the product correctly.
Here are some specific examples of how gallons and fluid ounces are converted in practical ways:
  • A recipe calls for 1/2 cup of milk. Since there are 8 fluid ounces in a cup, you would need to convert the 1/2 cup to fluid ounces. This would give you 4 fluid ounces of milk.
  • A medication bottle says to take 1 teaspoon of the medication. Since there are 5 fluid drams in a teaspoon, you would need to convert the 1 teaspoon to fluid ounces. This would give you 0.2 fluid ounces of medication.
  • A plant watering guide says to water a plant with 12 fluid ounces of water. If you only have a watering can that is labeled in gallons, you would need to convert the 12 fluid ounces to gallons. This would give you 0.75 gallons of water.
  • A cleaning product bottle says to dilute the product with 4 parts of water to 1 part of product. If you are using a gallon of the product, you would need to convert the 1 part of product to fluid ounces. This would give you 128 fluid ounces of product.

Fl Oz to Gallon Conversion (ounce to gal) Table

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Ounce (fl oz) Gallon (gal)
1 oz 0.01 gal
2 oz 0.016 gal
4 oz 0.031 gal
5 oz 0.039 gal
8 oz 0.063 gal
16 oz 0.125 gal
16.9 oz 0.132 gal
20 oz 0.156 gal
24 oz 0.188 gal
28 oz 0.219 gal
32 oz 0.25 gal
33.8 oz 0.264 gal
40 oz 0.313 gal
48 oz 0.375 gal
50 oz 0.391 gal
52 oz 0.406 gal
56 oz 0.438 gal
59 oz 0.461 gal
60 oz 0.469 gal
64 oz 0.5 gal
68 oz 0.531 gal
72 oz 0.563 gal
73 oz 0.57 gal
74 oz 0.578 gal
80 oz 0.625 gal
84 oz 0.656 gal
85 oz 0.664 gal
88 oz 0.688 gal
90 oz 0.703 gal
95 oz 0.742 gal
96 oz 0.75 gal
100 oz 0.781 gal
101 oz 0.789 gal
101.4 oz 0.792 gal
105 oz 0.82 gal
110 oz 0.859 gal
112 oz 0.875 gal
115 oz 0.898 gal
117 oz 0.914 gal
118 oz 0.922 gal
120 oz 0.938 gal
121 oz 0.945 gal
128 oz 1 gal
135 oz 1.055 gal
136 oz 1.063 gal
140 oz 1.094 gal
144 oz 1.125 gal
148 oz 1.156 gal
150 oz 1.172 gal
160 oz 1.25 gal
168 oz 1.313 gal
192 oz 1.5 gal
200 oz 1.563 gal
256 oz 2 gal
300 oz 2.344 gal
320 oz 2.5 gal
384 oz 3 gal
400 oz 3.125 gal
500 oz 3.906 gal
512 oz 4 gal
676 oz 5.281 gal
1000 oz 7.813 gal
1024 oz 8 gal
2048 oz 16 gal

Gallon to Fl Oz conversion (gal to ounce) Table

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Gallon (gal) Ounce (fl oz)
0.25 gal 32 oz
0.5 gal 64 oz
0.75 gal 96 oz
1 gal 128 oz
1.25 gal 160 oz
1.32 gal 168.96 oz
1.5 gal 192 oz
1.72 gal 220.16 oz
2 gal 256 oz
2.5 gal 320 oz
3 gal 384 oz
3.5 gal 448 oz
4 gal 512 oz
5 gal 640 oz
6 gal 768 oz
7 gal 896 oz
8 gal 1024 oz
9 gal 1152 oz
10 gal 1280 oz
20 gal 2560 oz
50 gal 6400 oz
100 gal 12800 oz

Frequently Asked Questions on Ounces and Gallon Conversion

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  • 1 Gallon = 128 oz

  • 64 oz

  • ounces in half gallon is 64 oz. oz in gallon of water is 128 oz