
Liters to Kg - Kg to Liters

Convert Liters to Kilograms (liter to kg) and Kilograms to liters (kg to liter)

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Liter to Kilogram

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Formula to convert kg to liters - liters to kg

How many Liters to kg? (1 litre to kg, ltr to kg)?

The formula for converting liters to kilograms is:

kg = liters * density


  • kg is the mass in kilograms
  • liters is the volume in liters
  • density is the density of the substance in kilograms per liter (kg/L)
The density of a substance is its mass per unit volume. It is a property of the substance and does not depend on the amount of substance present.
  • Example:
  • To convert 1 liter of water to kilograms:
kg = liters * density = 1 liter * 1.00 kg/L = 1.00 kg
  • To convert 1 liter of honey to kilograms:
kg = liters * density = 1 liter * 1.42 kg/L = 1.42 kg

How many Kg to Liters? (kg to l)

To convert kilograms to liters, use the following formula:

liters = kg / density

  • Example:
  • To convert 1 kilogram of milk to liters:
liters = kg / density = 1 kg / 1.03 kg/L = 0.97 liters
The table below shows the densities of some common substances.

Weight in Kg / Liter (Density of Substances)

Conversion Table Icon
Item Kg Per Liter Density
Water 1 1
Paint 1 1.3
Milk 1 1.03
Propane 1 0.583
Ethanol 1 0.783
Methanol 1 0.791
Alcohol 1 0.785
Cooking Oil 1 0.92
Engine Oil 1 0.885
Gasolene 1 0.75
Kerosene 1 0.81915
Molasse 1 1.424
Liquid Nitrogen 1 1.782
Acetone 1 0.78458
Fuel 1 0.89
Liquid Hydroxide 1 2.13
Soybean Oil 1 11.6
Peanut Oil 1 0.90
Sulfuric Acid 1 1826.7
Diesel 1 0.18267
Biodiesel 1 874.7

The Relationship Between Liters and Kilograms

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  • The liter is a unit of volume, while the kilogram is a unit of mass. This means that a substance can have the same volume but different mass, depending on its density.
  • However, there is a relationship between the two units because of the density of a substance. The density of a substance is its mass per unit volume. So, for example, water has a density of 1.00 kg/L, which means that 1 liter of water weighs 1 kilogram.
  • The density of other substances is different from that of water, so the volume of a given mass of a substance will vary depending on its density. For example, 1 kilogram of honey has a volume of 0.7 liters, while 1 kilogram of iron has a volume of 0.007 liters.
  • The relationship between liters and kilograms can be used to calculate the density of a substance. For example, if you know that a liter of a substance weighs 1.42 kilograms, you can calculate that its density is 1.42 kilograms per liter.
  • The relationship between liters and kilograms can also be used to calculate the volume of a substance. For example, if you know that 1 kilogram of a substance weighs 1.03 liters, you can calculate that its volume is 0.97 liters.
  • The density of a substance can be affected by its temperature and pressure. For example, the density of water decreases as its temperature increases. This is because the water molecules expand as they become warmer, which means that there are fewer water molecules per unit volume.
  • The density of a substance can also be affected by its purity. For example, the density of a mixture of water and salt will be higher than the density of pure water. This is because the salt molecules will displace some of the water molecules, which means that there will be more mass per unit volume.
  • A liter of water weighs 1 kilogram. This is because water has a density of 1 kilogram per liter.
  • A liter of milk weighs 1.03 kilograms. This is because milk is denser than water.
  • A liter of honey weighs 1.42 kilograms. This is because honey is even denser than water.
  • A liter of gasoline weighs 0.73 kilograms. This is because gasoline is less dense than water.
  • A liter of alcohol weighs 0.79 kilograms. This is because alcohol is also less dense than water.

Everyday Applications of Liters and Kilograms

Applications Icon
Converting between liters and kilograms is a common task in many fields, including everyday life, science, engineering, and cooking. Here are some examples of how liters and kilograms are used together:
  • Cooking: When cooking, you may need to measure ingredients in both liters and kilograms. For example, you might use a 2-liter measuring cup to measure water, but you might use a 1-kilogram scale to weigh flour.
  • Converting water from liters to kilograms:
If you have a recipe that calls for 2 liters of water, you can convert this to kilograms using the following formula:
kg = liters * density
kg = 2 liters * 1.00 kg/L
kg = 2.00 kg
  • Therefore, 2 liters of water is equal to 2.00 kilograms of water.
  • Shopping: When shopping for food, you might buy milk in liters, but you might buy meat in kilograms.
  • Converting milk from liters to kilograms:
If you buy 1 liter of milk at the grocery store, you can convert this to kilograms using the following formula:
kg = 1 liter * 1.03 kg/L = 1.03 KG
  • Therefore, 1 liter of milk is equal to 1.03 kilograms of milk.
  • Gasoline: When you buy gasoline for your car, the gasoline is sold in liters, but the price is usually displayed in kilograms.
  • If you pump 50 liters of gasoline into your car, you can convert this to kilograms using the following formula:
kg = 50 liters * 0.73 kg/L = 36.5 kg
  • Therefore, 50 liters of gasoline is equal to 36.5 kilograms of gasoline.
Science and Engineering:
  • Chemistry: In chemistry, liters and kilograms are often used to measure the volume and mass of solutions. For example, you might measure the volume of a solution in liters and the mass of the solute in kilograms.
  • Physics: In physics, liters and kilograms are often used to measure the volume and density of objects. For example, you might measure the volume of a balloon in liters and the density of air in kilograms per cubic meter.

Liter to Kilogram Converter (l to kg) Table

Conversion Table Icon
Liter (l) Kilogram (kg)
1 l 1 kg
1.5 l 1.5 kg
1.8 l 1.8 kg
2 l 2 kg
2.5 l 2.5 kg
3 l 3 kg
4 l 4 kg
4.4 l 4.4 kg
5 l 5 kg
5.5 l 5.5 kg
6 l 6 kg
7 l 7 kg
8 l 8 kg
9 l 9 kg
10 l 10 kg
11 l 11 kg
12 l 12 kg
13 l 13 kg
14 l 14 kg
15 l 15 kg
16 l 16 kg
17 l 17 kg
18 l 18 kg
19 l 19 kg
20 l 20 kg
25 l 25 kg
28 l 28 kg
30 l 30 kg
35 l 35 kg
40 l 40 kg
50 l 50 kg
60 l 60 kg
70 l 70 kg
75 l 75 kg
100 l 100 kg
120 l 120 kg
200 l 200 kg
500 l 500 kg
1000 l 1000 kg

Kilogram to Liter conversion (kg to l) table

Conversion Table Icon
Kilogram (kg) Liter (l)
1 kg 1 l
2 kg 2 l
3 kg 3 l
4 kg 4 l
5 kg 5 l
6 kg 6 l
7 kg 7 l
8 kg 8 l
9 kg 9 l
10 kg 10 l
11 kg 11 l
12 kg 12 l
13 kg 13 l
14 kg 14 l
15 kg 15 l
16 kg 16 l
17 kg 17 l
18 kg 18 l
19 kg 19 l
20 kg 20 l
25 kg 25 l
28 kg 28 l
30 kg 30 l
35 kg 35 l
40 kg 40 l
50 kg 50 l
60 kg 60 l
70 kg 70 l
75 kg 75 l
100 kg 100 l

Difference between kg and liter

  • Liter is a measurement of volume

  • Litre is the SI unit for measuring the volume. This volume can be defined as the, "amount of space occupied by an object."

  • Kilogram or kg is a measurement of weight

  • kg is the SI unit for measuring the mass. This mass can be defined as the, "amount of matter possessed by an object."

  • Therefore, kg and liter are both units of measurements of a substance and they are linked by the density. Density = Mass (kg) / Volume (liter) If density is 1, then the mass and volume (kg and liter) values will be the same.

Frequently Asked Questions on Liter and Kilogram Conversion

FAQ icon

  • Kilogram is the SI unit for measuring the mass / weight.
    Whereas litre is the SI unit for measuring the volume.

  • 1 kg is equal to 1 liter for water and substances where density is 1.
    If density is less than 1, then liter (volume) will be higher than kg(mass) for that substance
    Similarly, if density is greater than 1, then kg (mass) will be higher than liter (volume)