
Gallon to Quart - Quart to Gallon Converter

Convert Quarts to Gallons (qt to gallon) or Gallon to Quarts (gal to qt)



Quart - Gallon Converter

You can input in any of the fields and get equivalent values.

Formula to convert qt to gallon and gallon to qt

How many quarts per gallon (1 qt to gal)?

The formula to convert quarts to gallons is:

gallons = quarts / 4

For example, to convert 10 quarts to gallons, you would divide by 4:

10 quarts / 4 = 2.5 gallons

How many Gallons to Quart (1 gal to qt)

The formula to convert gallons to quarts is:

quarts = gallons * 4

To convert 3 gallons to quarts, you would multiply by 4:

3 gallons * 4 = 12 quarts

Quart to Gallon Converter

Converter Icon
  • The gallon is a unit of volume in the US Customary Units and British Imperial Units. It is equal to 3.785411784 liters in the metric system
  • A quart is a unit of volume in the US Customary Units and British Imperial Units. It is equal to one-fourth of a gallon, or 0.946352949 liters in the metric system.
  • The gallon is a larger unit of measurement than the quart and it is equal to four quarts.
  • The gallon is a much older unit of measurement than the quart. It has been in use for centuries, and it is still used in many countries around the world.
  • The word "gallon" comes from the Old French word "galon", which means "jar" or "container". The Old French word "galon" is thought to have come from the Latin word "galeta", which means "wine vessel".
  • The quart is a relatively new unit of measurement. It was first defined in the 19th century, and it was not widely used until the early 20th century.
  • The word "quart" comes from the Latin word "quartus," which means "fourth." This is because a quart is equal to one-fourth of a gallon.
  • The quart is still a commonly used unit of measurement in the United States, but it is less common in other countries.
  • The gallon is often used to measure liquids, such as milk, gasoline, and water.
  • The quart is often used to measure smaller amounts of liquids, such as cooking oil, juice, and ice cream. The quart is also sometimes used to measure dry goods, such as flour and sugar.
  • The gallon is a more precise unit of measurement than the quart. This is because it is a larger unit, and there are fewer gallons in a given volume than there are quarts.
  • The quart is a more convenient unit of measurement for everyday use. This is because it is a smaller unit, and it is easier to measure out smaller amounts of liquids with a quart container.
  • The gallon is a more efficient unit of measurement for large-scale use. This is because it is a larger unit, and it takes less time to measure out large amounts of liquids with a gallon container.
Use quarts when:
  • When measuring a small amount of liquid, such as milk for a cereal bowl or water for a glass.
  • When measuring dry ingredients, such as flour or sugar for a recipe.
  • Comparing prices of liquids sold in different units.
Use gallons when:
  • Measuring a large amount of liquid, such as milk for a family or water for a pool.
  • Buying gasoline or other fuels.
  • Referring to capacity of a container, such as a water jug or a refrigerator.
Unit of measurementVolumeVolume
System of measurementUS Customary Units and British Imperial UnitsUS Customary Units and British Imperial Units
Equivalent to0.25 gallons1
Metric equivalent0.946352949 liters3.785411784 liters
Common usesMeasuring small amounts of liquid, such as milk for a cereal bowl or water for a glass; measuring dry ingredients, such as flour or sugar for a recipe; comparing prices of liquids sold in different unitsMeasuring large amounts of liquid, such as milk for a family or water for a pool; buying gasoline or other fuels; talking about the capacity of a container, such as a water jug or a refrigerator
Quart to gallon and gallon to quart converters are used to convert between the two units of volume. This can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as:
  • Cooking: When following a recipe, you may need to convert between quarts and gallons to ensure that you are using the correct amount of ingredients. Example: You are following a recipe that calls for quarts, but you only have gallons on hand.
  • Shopping: When buying liquids, such as milk, water, or gasoline, you may want to compare prices of different sizes. Converters can help you to do this by converting between quarts and gallons. Example: You are buying gasoline and want to know how many quarts you are getting for your money.
  • Household tasks: You may need to convert between quarts and gallons for other household tasks, such as measuring the capacity of a container or determining how much water to put in a swimming pool.
  • You are talking about the capacity of a water jug and want to know how many gallons it holds.
  • You are comparing prices of milk sold in quarts and half-gallons.
  • You are planning a party and want to know how many gallons of soda you need to buy.

Quart to Gallon Conversion (qt to gal) Table

Conversion Table Icon
Quart (qt) Gallon (gal)
0.5 qt 0.125 gal
1 qt 0.25 gal
1.5 qt 0.375 gal
2 qt / 2 qt 0.5 gal
2.5 qt 0.625 gal
3 qt 0.75 gal
3.5 qt 0.875 gal
4 qt 1 gal
4.5 qt 1.125 gal
5 qt 1.25 gal
6 qt 1.5 gal
7 qt 1.75 gal
7.5 qt 1.875 gal
8 qt 2 gal
9 qt 2.25 gal
10 qt 2.5 gal
11 qt 2.75 gal
12 qt 3 gal
13 qt 3.25 gal
14 qt 3.5 gal
15 qt 3.75 gal
16 qt 4 gal
17 qt 4.25 gal
18 qt 4.5 gal
19 qt 4.75 gal
20 qt 5 gal
24 qt 6 gal
25 qt 6.25 gal
27 qt 6.75 gal
28 qt 7 gal
32 qt 8 gal
36 qt 9 gal
40 qt 10 gal
44 qt 11 gal
50 qt 12.5 gal
52 qt 13 gal
54 qt 13.5 gal
56 qt 14 gal
60 qt 15 gal
64 qt 16 gal
65 qt 16.25 gal
66 qt 16.5 gal
68 qt 17 gal
72 qt 18 gal
82 qt 20.5 gal
90 qt 22.5 gal
100 qt 25 gal
105 qt 26.25 gal
116 qt 29 gal
118 qt 29.5 gal
120 qt 30 gal
150 qt 37.5 gal
160 qt 40 gal
200 qt 50 gal
250 qt 62.5 gal
400 qt 100 gal
500 qt 125 gal
1000 qt 250 gal

Gallon to Quart conversion (gal to qt) Table

Conversion Table Icon
Gallon (gal) Quart (qt)
0.1 gal (0.1 gallons) 0.4 qt
0.2 gal 0.8 qt
0.25 gal (quarter gallon) 1 qt
0.3 gal 1.2 qt
0.35 gal 1.4 qt
0.4 gal 1.6 qt
0.5 gal (half gallon) 2 qt
0.75 gal 3 qt
1 gal 4 qt
1.5 gal 6 qt
2 gal 8 qt
2.5 gal 10 qt
3 gal 12 qt
3.5 gal 14 qt
4 gal 16 qt
4.5 gal 18 qt
5 gal 20 qt
5.5 gal 22 qt
6 gal 24 qt
7 gal 28 qt
8 gal 32 qt
9 gal 36 qt
10 gal 40 qt
11 gal 44 qt
12 gal 48 qt
13 gal 52 qt
14 gal 56 qt
15 gal 60 qt
16 gal 64 qt
17 gal 68 qt
18 gal 72 qt
19 gal 76 qt
20 gal 80 qt
25 gal 100 qt
30 gal 120 qt
35 gal 140 qt
40 gal 160 qt
45 gal 180 qt
50 gal 200 qt
100 gal 400 qt
200 gal 800 qt

Frequently Asked Questions on Quart and Gallon

FAQ icon

  • 1 Gallon = 4 quarts .
    1 gal is 4 qt

  • 1 Quart = 0.25 gallons .
    1 qt = 1/4 gal

  • 4 quarts

  • 2 quarts in half gallon

  • 0.25 gallon

  • 1 gallon