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Yard to Feet - Feet to Yards Converter

Find out how many feet in a yard. Convert Feet to Yard (ft to yd) and Yard to Feet (yd to ft)

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Yard to Feet Converter

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Formula to convert Yard to Feet and Feet to Yards

How many Feet in a Yard? (yd to ft)

To convert yards to feet, multiply yards by 3:

feet = yards * 3

For example, to convert 10 yards to feet, you would multiply 10 by 3, which gives you 30 feet.

How many Yards in a Foot ? (ft to yd)

To convert feet to yards, divide feet by 3

yards = feet / 3 (0.333 * feet)

For example, to convert 20 feet to yards, you would divide 20 by 3, which gives you 6.67 yards.

Units of Length Converter: What is a Yard? What is a Foot?

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  • Yards and feet are both units of length in the customary system of measurement.
  • Yards are used to measure longer distances, such as the length of a football field or the distance between two houses.
  • Feet are used to measure shorter distances, such as the height of a person or the length of a room.
  • There are 3 feet in 1 yard. This means that to convert yards to feet, you simply multiply the number of yards by 3. For example, 10 yards is equal to 10 * 3 = 30 feet.
  • To convert feet to yards, you divide the number of feet by 3. For example, 20 feet is equal to 20 / 3 = 6.67 yards.
  • Yards and feet are both used in a variety of different applications. For example, yards are used to measure the distance around a running track or the length of a piece of fabric. Feet are used to measure the height of a basketball hoop or the depth of a swimming pool.
  • The word "yard" comes from the Old English word "gyrd," which means "stick" or "rod."
  • The word "foot" comes from the Old English word "fot," which means "step."
Yards and feet are both units of length in the customary system of measurement, but they are used to measure different distances. Yards are typically used to measure longer distances, while feet are used to measure shorter distances.
When to use yards:
  • The length of a football field (100 yards).
  • The distance between two houses (100 yards).
  • The amount of fabric needed to make a quilt (5 yards).
  • The length of a piece of rope (10 yards).
  • The distance around a running track (400 yards).
When to use feet:
  • The height of a person (5 feet 10 inches).
  • The length of a room (12 feet).
  • The depth of a swimming pool (10 feet).
  • The height of a basketball hoop (10 feet).
  • The distance from home plate to first base in baseball (90 feet).
In general, yards are used to measure distances that are too long to be measured accurately in feet, while feet are used to measure distances that are too short to be measured accurately in yards.

Usage of Yards to Feet Converter

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Here are some examples of how yards and feet are used in different contexts:
  • Sports: Yards are used to measure the length of a football field, the distance between two bases in baseball, and the distance from home plate to the pitcher's mound. Feet are used to measure the height of a basketball hoop, the distance from the free throw line to the basket, and the length of a tennis court.
  • Construction: Yards are used to measure the length and width of a building, the distance between two walls, and the amount of lumber needed to build a fence. Feet are used to measure the height of a ceiling, the depth of a foundation, and the diameter of a pipe.
  • Everyday life: Yards are used to measure the length of a piece of fabric, the distance to the mailbox, and the amount of string needed to tie a package. Feet are used to measure the height of a person, the length of a room, and the distance between two pieces of furniture.
And here are some specific examples of how a yard to feet converter can be useful:
  • A contractor is building a fence and needs to know how many feet of lumber to buy. He uses a yard to feet converter to determine that he needs 100 feet of lumber to build a 33-yard fence.
  • A football coach is teaching his team a new play and needs to know how many yards the players need to run. He uses a yard to feet converter to determine that the players need to run 10 yards, which is equal to 30 feet.
  • A tailor is sewing a quilt and needs to know how many yards of fabric to buy. She uses a yard to feet converter to determine that she needs 5 yards of fabric to make a 15-foot quilt.
Examples of how Feet to Yard Converter can be useful in everyday life
  • A contractor is estimating the cost of a new driveway. The driveway will be 200 feet long. The contractor needs to know how many yards of concrete to order.
  • A landscaper is designing a new garden. The garden will be 50 feet wide. The landscaper needs to know how many yards of mulch to purchase.
  • A homeowner is painting the walls in their living room. The living room is 12 feet long and 10 feet wide. The homeowner needs to know how many yards of painter's tape to purchase.

Yard to Feet Conversion (yd to ft ) Table

Conversion Table Icon
Yard (yd) Feet (ft)
1 yd 3 ft
1.5 yd 4.5 ft
2 yd 6 ft
3 yd 9 ft
4 yd 12 ft
5 yd 15 ft
6 yd 18 ft
7 yd 21 ft
8 yd 24 ft
9 yd 27 ft
10 yd 30 ft
11 yd 33 ft
12 yd 36 ft
13 yd 39 ft
14 yd 42 ft
15 yd 45 ft
16 yd 48 ft
17 yd 51 ft
18 yd 54 ft
19 yd 57 ft
20 yd 60 ft
22 yd 66 ft
25 yd 75 ft
30 yd 90 ft
36 yd 108 ft
40 yd 120 ft
50 yd 150 ft
55 yd 165 ft
60 yd 180 ft
75 yd 225 ft
100 yd 300 ft
110 yd 330 ft
120 yd 360 ft
200 yd 600 ft
250 yd 750 ft
300 yd 900 ft
500 yd 1500 ft
600 yd 1800 ft

Feet to Yard Conversion (ft to yards, ft to yd) Table

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Feet (ft) Yard (yd)
1 ft 0.333 yd
2 ft 0.667 yd
3 ft 1 yd
4 ft 1.333 yd
5 ft 1.667 yd
6 ft 2 yd
7 ft 2.333 yd
8 ft 2.667 yd
9 ft 3 yd
10 ft 3.333 yd
11 ft 3.667 yd
12 ft 4 yd
13 ft 4.333 yd
14 ft 4.667 yd
15 ft 5 yd
16 ft 5.333 yd
17 ft 5.667 yd
18 ft 6 yd
19 ft 6.333 yd
20 ft 6.667 yd
25 ft 8.333 yd
27 ft 9 yd
30 ft 10 yd
40 ft 13.333 yd
50 ft 16.667 yd
60 ft 20 yd
65 ft 21.667 yd
100 ft 33.333 yd
200 ft 66.667 yd
300 ft 100 yd
328 ft 108.33 yd
400 ft 133.333 yd
500 ft 166.667 yd
600 ft 200 yd
1000 ft 333.333 yd

Frequently Asked Questions on Yard - Feet Conversion

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  • There are 0.33 yards in a feet.

  • Yards is 3 times bigger than Feet.